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How often do you go out with friends?

发布时间:2022-12-08 21:54 字数:600字 阅读:173

How often do you go out with friends?[Why/Why not?]

How often do you go out with friends?

I hang out with my friends about every two months, which is not very frequently, coz we are all super busy with work and don't have much time to get together. Another reason is that we keep in touch with each other mainly through Twitter and Skype, a video chat software, which means that we don't have to meet up in person to talk to each other.

hang out 与某人闲逛

in person 亲自亲身

keep in touch 保持联络


题目问的是how often,所以,考生只需要直接回答问题就好,开头句直接说出这样的频率多长时间一次,紧扣问题。审题时,除了前面的题目主干,可别忽略了中括号里的内容(why/why not),提醒你要说明理由。尽量多说些像Twitter和Skype这样的软件会让考官觉得你很了解海外。

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